Not to wait for someone | Motivation | Life motivation

In this merciless life, the most difficult task is to wait for someone, despite knowing that he will never be back. But just because of our feelings or emotions we wait, and in the wake of our waiting we tear ourselves into little pieces, and waste our time on waiting. 
It doesn't matter how older we are or how mature we are, we stumble by our feelings, by believing, and by our most beloved relationships. 
But in life a time comes when we realize that we should move on, we shouldn't waste our time to wait for someone. 
So if you have been waiting for someone then it's a suggestion not to wait for someone, and utilize your time by loving and caring those who are with you. 
If you have been waiting for someone for years, then I suggest you stop waiting and move on because time does not stop for you and if you allow it to pass then it's only you who to blame.